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learning series

This is a call to action for all managers and learning leaders. Learning & Development branch may not have the resources to meet all the learning needs of organisations; but there is much organisations can do for themselves to increase organisational learning. This series presents 5-minute introductions to contemporary learning ideas; with a raft of useful resources and blog posts to encourage you to engage in discussion.

Action Learning

Action Learning is a reflective learning technique which takes place with real-life job tasks; where participants learn by doing, and then reflecting on what they have done. Action learning is a particularly effective way of enabling staff to learn new skills and can...

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70:20:10 Learning Theory

The 70:20:10 Learning Theory is an approach to learning that has gained much popularity with organisations over recent years. This approach acknowledges that while organisations spend approximately 80% of their training budgets on traditional face-to-face training,...

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ngo learning centre

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